Who We Are


12806242_947281775326122_8469311679194720247_nCatherine is the head coach at Rx Fitness, CrossFit Chantilly. She was a competitive gymnast during her childhood until becoming injured in a meet and being told it was too dangerous for her to continue tumbling. After another injury sealed the deal on the end of gymnastics for Catherine, she struggled to find an outlet for her competitive nature and played youth level soccer, and ran 1 season of track in high school. After finishing high school and an undergraduate degree, she ran on a treadmill in the gym with no enjoyment to “stay in shape”.

Catherine was in need of an exercise program she could fully commit to in order to combat the stress of a demanding full-time job, and taking classes towards her MBA degree. She found CrossFit in 2009 and immediately became addicted after her first workout, “Fran”.  After becoming a CrossFit Level 1 Coach early in 2010, the CrossFit Journal published an article that she wrote entitled “No Limits”, describing her experience with CrossFit as a type 1 diabetic. During her pregnancy, Catherine scaled the intensity of CrossFit but continued to participate in workouts. She was in the gym doing unassisted pull-ups the day before she gave birth to a healthy son. Her CrossFit Journal article describing “CrossFitting Through Pregnancy” was published in December 2012. Since the birth of her son in January 2011, Catherine competed in the 2011 Open and has participated in the Open each year. She has also competed in several SuperFit and other fitness competitions.Catherine has also been selected to be on teams in the recreational and semi-professional divisions of the Mid-Atlantic Grid League.

Certifications: Level 1, Level 2, Kids, Mobility & Recovery, Gymnastics, Advanced Gymnastics, Freestyle Connection (Carl Paoli), Power Lifting, Olympic Weightlifting, Kettlebell, Advanced Kettlebell, Endurance (Running), Running Technique, CPR/AED (Adults, Kids, Infants), First Aid


CrossFit Coaches:

Emma Bright, Level 1

Jason Kitchens, Level 1, Level 2, Gymnastics

Jeff Turner, Level 1

Josh Jackson, Level 1

Kelly Green, Level 1

Rhonda Burke, Level 1


Zumba Instructors:

Ryan Cooper