Saturday, 1/13/2018

There are limited spots available for the DEXA Scans (8 a.m. – noon on 1/27 and 2/24) so secure your spot today! Keep things in perspective! A healthy body fat range for women is 20-32%. For men, a healthy range is 10-22%. Mobility: Shoulders WOD: 6 Rounds: 7 Hang Power Clean (155#/105#/85#) 14 Handstand Push-Ups Core/Accessory: 3×8 Kettlebell Windmills…

Friday, 1/12/2018

There are limited spots available for the DEXA Scans (8 a.m. – noon on 1/27 and 2/24) so secure your spot today! Keep things in perspective! A healthy body fat range for women is 20-32%. For men, a healthy range is 10-22%. Mobility: Hip Flexors Strength: Strict Press: 5×1 WOD: 50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Sit-Ups Box Jumps Core/Accessory: Alternating Tabata: Supermans…

Thursday, 1/11/2018

Ready to kick your nutrition into high gear? Join our Nutrition Challenge! This is a challenge against yourself, and a chance to help your friends stay accountable! Start with a DEXA Scan at Rx Fitness (10 minute, non-invasive, very accurate measure of body fat) on January 27. You’ll also receive links to nutrition seminars and macro training! Return for another…

Wednesday, 1/10/2018

Ready to kick your nutrition into high gear? Join our Nutrition Challenge! This is a challenge against yourself, and a chance to help your friends stay accountable! Start with a DEXA Scan at Rx Fitness (10 minute, non-invasive, very accurate measure of body fat) on January 27. You’ll also receive links to nutrition seminars and macro training! Return for another…

Tuesday, 1/9/2018

Ready to kick your nutrition into high gear? Join our Nutrition Challenge! This is a challenge against yourself, and a chance to help your friends stay accountable! Start with a DEXA Scan at Rx Fitness (10 minute, non-invasive, very accurate measure of body fat) on January 27. You’ll also receive links to nutrition seminars and macro training! Return for another…

Monday, 1/8/2018

Mobility: Shoulders Strength: EMOM 8 minutes: 1 Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean WOD: 7 Rounds: 50′ Farmer’s Carry 10 Box Jumps (24″/20″) Core/Accessory: 4×25 Russian Twists 3×8 Ring Rows Post your results to the comment section.


The next Nutrition Challenge starts on January 27! Space for the DXA Scans is limited so secure your spot today: Mobility: Hip Flexors WOD: 3 Rounds: 12 Hang Squat Snatch (95#/65#/35#) 15 Pull-Ups Core/Accessory: 3×10 Piked Leg Lifts 4×25 GHD Sit-Ups Post your results to the comment section.